6 min read

The Studio is Slowly Coming Together

The current status of the room is all the walls are painted now, with the exception of some details I want to paint on them (I will reveal these later😉 ), the carpets have been removed and the laminate flooring has been laid down.
The Studio is Slowly Coming Together


Hope you have been keeping well!

With the Easter holidays upon us and the kids being at home for 2 weeks, I have less time to spend on my sewing and knitting.

Add a room renovation into the mix, and even less time. 😂

This week my focus has been on getting my studio done up as much as possible, because every day that passes without it being done, is one more day of no sewing.

The current status of the room is all the walls are painted now, with the exception of some details I want to paint on them (I will reveal these later😉 ), the carpets have been removed and the laminate flooring has been laid down.

The room isn’t even fully done and I squeal every time I walk in! That’s exactly the feeling I was going for though, so I am glad that my vision is coming to life!! 🦾

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⭐Last Week, Today!

The task that took up most of my week this week was getting everything prepared for the Make A Dress In A Day workshop (which was on Saturday).

Of course, I left it all to the last minute and was stressing myself out trying to get it all done in time.

I prepped all the pattern pieces in the various size ranges, made sure I had ordered the haberdashery that we needed to use, and this only arrived the day before, talk about cutting it fine. 😂

I also needed to make sure that I had all the tools ready in my bag…yes, because with all that was in my sewing room being packed in every corner or my house (literally), I needed to make sure I could locate everything again. 🤦

It would have made sense packing my bag before removing everything from the room, but I was just so excited to start on it, that at the time, this didn’t cross my mind. 🤷

On the knitting front, I have finally finished my black Belle Vest by RitaMadeThis. And I literally wore it straight away! I cast it off, put it on and walked out the door to take my daughter to her holiday camp! 🤩

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😎Confidence Corner:

The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you. - William Jennings Bryan.

Do you have your eye on a project that you don’t think you have the skills for yet?

The only way to gain those skills is to just go for it! 🦾

Some techniques can feel intimidating, but you will only be able to accomplish them if you try it out. 

What’s the worst that can happen? Seam rip it and have another chance to do it better?

🧵Today's Sewing Tip:

As promised last week, I am going to tell you my preferred marking tools and the different ways I choose to mark my projects.

And I actually only really use 2 tools:

  • scissors;
  • chalk.

I use my scissors to mark notches by either snipping a little into the seam allowance or by cutting a little triangle out, and I normally use the triangle to mark center points.

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There are times when cutting into the fabric is not an option, like marking patch pocket placements or darts, so I choose to use chalk for these.

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I know there are heat or air erasable pens, and I have these too, but they have marked my fabric and not come out at all, so I prefer not to use them.

What are some of your best sewing tips you have picked up along the way?

⭐My Favourite Things This Week:

  • Running a new sewing workshop - Make A Dress In A Day;
  • Finally finishing my knitted Belle Vest;
  • Seeing my studio slowly come together!

🗓️Upcoming Plans

  • Wet block my purple Corinthian Sweater (still haven’t found the time to do this.);
  • Get started on making a project with the gifted yarn from Wool Warehouse (also still haven’t started this yet);
  • Start building the furniture that I got for my sewing studio!

🎬What I have been Watching/Reading:

  • OUTLIVE, The Science & Art of Longevity by DR. Peter Attia(Book)

My partner gave me this book for my birthday last year, and I have been finding it hard to get a schedule going for my reading lately, but I did manage to read about 10 pages this week.

I haven’t read much of it, but what I have read makes me seriously think about my eating and exercise habits, as well how, too often, our healthcare system(worldwide) only intervenes with treatment when it’s too late.

  • Physical: 100 (TV Series)

I watched the finale this week and the competitions they had to go through were just 🤯.

This is a Korean reality competition series, where competitors are amongst the strongest in the country, and their strengths are tested to the limit. All 100 competitors come together to see who is the last person standing that will take away the winning prize.

  • Tell Me Who I Am (Documentary)

This is a documentary of twins Alex and Marcus. Alex lost his memory after an accident, so trusts Marcus to tell him about his past, but he hides a dark family secret.

  • 3096 Days(Movie)

The film is based on the true story of Natascha Kampusch, a 10-year-old girl and her eight-year ordeal being kidnapped.

🎉Upcoming Events

The Sewcial Circle - Beginners Sewing Workshop - 16th of April 2024

In this 2.5 hour workshop, I aim to get you confident in knowing the basics of your sewing machine and start stitching a project together.
Link - https://www.beesilva.co.uk/beginner1604/

The Sewcial Circle - Sew&Bond - Sewing Social - 20th of April 2024

Whether you come to seek inspiration, share your passion for sewing or simply to meet new people, Sew and Bond is where a community of individuals of all skill levels gather to share the art of stitching and the joy of connecting with other stitchers.
Link - https://www.beesilva.co.uk/sewbond04/

The Sewcial Circle - Virtual Sew&Bond - Sewing Social - 24th of April 2024

This will be a virtual gathering where you connect, create, and share your passion for sewing in a fun, supportive and online environment.
Link - https://www.beesilva.co.uk/virtualsewbond04/

Bye for now,
B! xx

PS: If you have any questions or anything to add, please reply to this email. I would love to hear from you!🥰

PPS: What do you think about my website? 😍😍😍 I am so happy with the way it turned out! www.beesilva.co.uk